Python Library

The class Laumio is built as a wrapper around the primitives exposed in the API page.

class Laumio

Constructor to control a Laumio responding on IP address ip.


Shuts down all the LED

Actually just an alias for :py:method:`fillColor`.

fillColor(r, g, b)

Fill the whole Laumio with a color (r, g, b).

fillRing(ringid, r, g, b)

Fill a ring with a color. ringid can be 0~3 and r, g, b specify the color. The top LED is not addressed.

fillColumn(colmunid, r, g, b)

Fill a column with a color. columnid can be 0~4 and r, g, b specify the color. The top LED is not addressed.

setPixelColor(pixel, r, g, b)

Set a pixel pixel (0~12) to a given color (r, g, b).

colorWipe(r, g, b, delay)

Start a color wipe animation with color (r, g, b) and inter-LED delay delay.


Start a rainbow animation.


Return the JSON string for the Laumio’s status


Conventionnaly private, this method is used to transmit a raw bytearray payload to a Laumio. It can be used to trigger custom animations.