Laumio's anatomy and HEX commands ================================= The Laumio can be controlled using the bare-UDP API using simple HEX commands sent on the **port 6969**. It can alternatively receive commands from a REST API. Four different features can be set : the pixel, ring, column and the whole Laumio at once. Additionnaly, some animations can be triggered. The leds are disposed in 4 branches of three LED plus one at the top. They are numbered starting from the bottom of one branch to its top, skipping the led at the center, going down on the other side and then from the bottom of one of the other two branches to the bottom of the other (with the top middle LED included). The so-called rings correspond to a layer of LED. There's three of them, numbered from bottom to top. As for the columns, they correspond to the four branches of LEDs, of course without the top LED. Bare UDP -------- Pixel-wise control ****************** The command is ``0x00`` and the data to be sent is first the pixel ID and the three byte of the (RGB) color:: 0x00 PixelID R G B Ring-wise control ***************** The command is ``0x01`` and one must specify first the ring (``0x00``, ``0x01`` or ``0x02``) and then the three bytes of the color:: 0x01 RingID R G B Column-wise control ******************* The command is ``0x02`` and one must specify first the column (``0x00``, ``0x01``, ``0x02`` or ``0x03``) and then the three bytes of the color:: 0x02 ColumnID R G B Full span control ***************** The command is ``0xff`` and the only thing to specify is the RGB color:: 0xff R G B Animations ********** This is still a work in progress but 2 animations can be triggered on the Laumio. Color Wipe ~~~~~~~~~~ The color wipe animation changes the color on the full Laumio one LED at a time. It takes two parameters, the 3 bytes of color and the delay between two LED:: 0x0b R G B Delay Rainbow ~~~~~~~ The rainbow animation takes no parameters, it's the one used when the Laumio manage to connect to a Wifi network:: 0x0a JSON API -------- The JSON API is still a work in progress and every UDP-supported call has not been translated yet. Status ****** The status of the Laumio can be retrieved using the ``/api/`` endpoint:: GET http:///api/ The response is given in the form : .. code-block:: javascript {"name":"laumio","version":"devel"} Pixel-wise control ****************** The Laumio can be controlled through simple POST requests, specifying both the ``led`` and ``rgb`` key: .. code-block:: javascript { 'led': PixelID, 'rgb': [R, G, B] } Full span control ***************** To control the full Laumio at once, just set the ``led`` parameter to 255 in the previous JSON snippet: .. code-block:: javascript { 'led': 255, 'rgb': [R, G, B] }